1723 : Edward and John Pluckrose Take the Oath

Source: Hertfordshire County Records
Title: Calendar to the Sessions Books and Sessions Minute Books and other Sessions Records, 1700 to 1752.
William Le Hardy, 1931, Hertford vii 529
Queen's Arms Inn, Berkhampstead St Peter
Date: 1723
Place: Berkhampstead


[Box 2. Bundle 11]


The signing of this Roll was done in Conformity with the Act of 9 George I, cap: 24 (1722), which required all persons of the age of eighteen years and upwards, who had not already done so under previous Acts, to take publicly the oaths contained in the Act of I George I, Stat: 2, cap: 13, sec: 1 (1714) before the 25th December, 1723. The signatures in the Roll were made between the dates 17th August and 24th December, 1723. It will be noted that about one-third of the signatories are women, although, as was made clear by the explanatory Act of 10 George I, cap 4, (1723), there was no obligation upon them to take the oaths.

. . .
Pluckrose, Edward
[Pluckrose,] John
. . .

The signing took place at the Queen's Arms Inn in Berkhampstead St Peter. There were 358 signatories.

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