1896 : Miss Pluck and Mr Pluck give Recitations
on Christmas Day

Title:  The Essex County Chronicle, 6,898 8f
Date:  25 December 1896
Place:  Braintree


THE PRIMITIVE METHODISTS of Manor-street Chapel held their Christmas festival on Dec. 17 and 20. On the former day a tea meeting was held. The Christmas tree was stripped of many beautiful articles which had been prepared and brought by the scholars of the Sunday School, and they were sold for the benefit of the chapel fund. An enjoyable entertainment followed, presided over by the Rev. C. H. Lightfoot. There was a good attendance. Pianoforte solos were rendered by Miss Digbey and Master Bailey; recitations were given by Miss Pluck, Mr Pluck, Mr. Brown, and Master Bailey; and solos were sung with good effect by Mesdames Piper, Oldrin, Hammond, Rose Digby, Clara Bunn, Mr. Mobbs, and Mr. W. Hunnable. A violin solo was also given by Mr. Bailey. — On Sunday afternoon a service of song suitable for the season, entitled “Right’s right after all,” was rendered by the choir, the connective readings being given by Mr. John Blomfield. Several of the friends already named, with Miss Keys, Miss A. Skingle, and Miss Hunnable, did good service in the solos. At 6.30 another programme of special singing, with violin solos by Mr. Skingle and a pianoforte solo by Miss Mabel Bowmer, was gone through, and a short address was given by the Rev. C. H. Lightfoot.


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