1829 : Henry Pluckrose, butcher, has some Beef Stolen

Title: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey
Date: 19 February 1829
Place: London

GEORGE EVANS was indicted for stealing, on the 19th of February, 3lbs weight of beef, value 1s. 6d. , the goods of Henry Pluckrose.

JAMES PLUCKROSE.   I am the brother of Henry Pluckrose, a butcher, of Bethnal-green.   I was in his shop last Thursday, at half-past nine o'clock, and saw the prisoner take this beef off his stall-board; he ran off - I pursued, but could not catch him: he came back again by the shop, and I took him - I am quite positive I saw him take it.

JOSEPH ROBINSON.   The prisoner was given to me; the prosecutor said he had forgiven him three times before.

Prisoner's Defence.   I was not near the shop; a boy gave me the meat in Spicer-street.

GUILTY.   Aged 13. Whipped and Discharged.

Henry Pluckrose is PL2625 and his brother, James, is PL1950. They can be found in Tree1010.


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