1872 : Henry Pluckrose Dissolves a Partnership


Title: The London Gazette, 23,889 3,789a
Date: 23 August 1872
Place: Rottyngden


TAKE Notice, that the Partnership between us the undersigned, trading as the North London Steam Works, of Holloway-road, Holloway, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. - Dated this 20th day of August, 1872.

Alfred Shrosbree.
Alfred Smith.
Henry Pluckrose.

There is no Henry Pluckrose who fits the bill in the 1881 census. This might be the Henry Pluckrose who died in 1874, aged 72 (Poplar, vol 1c, p 537), but he was a butcher, which makes it seem unlikely. Henry the butcher is PL2625 who can be found in Tree 1010.

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