1826 : William Pluckrose Jailed for Stealing a Goose

Title:  The Weekly Times, 27 2c
Date:  24 December 1826
Place:  Marylebone

Police Reports



On Wednesday1 William Pluck Rose, a journeyman tailor, was put to the bar, charged with stealing a fat goose, value six shillings and six pence, from the shop of John Sims, a poulterer, residing in Lamb’s Conduit-passage. — The prosecutor stated, that on Tuesday evening, between nine and ten o’clock, he was sitting in the parlour inside his shop, when the prisoner, a tall lank figure, came and seized a large fat goose off the counter, with which he ran away. The poulterer followed the tailor in full cry, calling out, “stop thief with my goose.” A butcher’s boy joined in the pursuit, and threw a pitcher of water at the tailor. Several watchmen came to the assistance of the poulterer; and after a chace of some minutes, they succeeded in depriving the tailor of the goose, and lodged the offender safely in the watchhouse. The poulter here produced the goose, which appeared to have been much injured by the chace. — Mr. Rogers asked the tailor what he had to say to the charge. — Pluck said it was impossible for the poulterer to know who took the goose, as the night was foggy. — Mr. Rogers told the tailor he was aggravating the charge, and the less he talked about the goose the better. — The tailor was then sent to prison.

1 20 December 1826


This was a preliminary hearing in the Marylebone Magistrates' Court.
He was tried at the Old Bailey on 11 January 1827 and was sent to prison for six weeks.
There is some confusion about his name in this newspaper article - his name was William Pluckrose.

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