1486 : James Pluk is still trying to Recover some Title Deeds

Source:  Public Record Office: C 1/155/1
Title:  Early Chancery Proceedings
Date:  [1486-1515]
Place:  Cornwall

To the most reurent Fader in god tharchebisshop’ of Caunterbury Chaunceler of Inglond

Mekely besechith yor goode & gracious lordship’ yor pore Oratour John Pluk son’ & heire of Joh’n Pluk that where the seid Joh’n the fader was seased of & in iij meases CC acres of land in Carne & Venne within the Countie of Cornwaill in his demesne as of fee And so therof died seased after whois dethe the prmysses discended vnto yor seid Oratour as son’ & heire vnto the seid Joh’n the fader by force wherof yor seid Oratour entred & therof was seased in his demesne as of fee and yet is And it is so gacious lord that all the euydens chartours & myniments concrnyng the prmysses ar com’ to the possession’ & hands of on’ Willam Burges of whom yor seid Oratour often’ tymes haue requyred delyuer of the seid euydencs whiche to do he at all tymes hathe refusid & yet dothe contary to consciens And for asmoche as yor seid Oratour knowith not the nombre of the seid euydencs nor wheron’ they be contayned he is without remedy by cours of the co’en lawe Wherfore please it yor seid goode lordship’ the prmysses considered to gaunt a write sub pena to be directed vnto the seid Willam co’maundyng hym’ by the same to appere by fore the Kyng in his Chauncry at a crteyn’ day & vnder a certeyn’ payne by yor lordship’ lymyted there to aunswere to the prmysses as right & consciens shall requyre And thus at the reurens of god and in the way of charite

            Pleg' de ps'1      Will's Coke de London' yoman' &
                                         Thomas Abury de eadem yoman'


            Coram d’no Rege in Canc’ sua in crastino Pur' b'e Marie px' futur'

            Before the lord king in his Chancery on the morrow of Candlemas next2

 1   pledges of prosecution
 2   3 February


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