1504 : Joh'n Plucke Continues the Title Deeds Saga

Source:  Public Record Office: C 1/348/71
Title:  Early Chancery Proceedings
Date:  [13 November 1504]
Place:  Cornwall

To the moste Reurent Fader yn’ god Wyllyam Archibushop’ of Cauntrbury and Chaunceller of Englond

Mekely besechith youre good and gracious lordship youre contynuall Oratour Joh’n Plucke soon’ and heire of Joh’n Pluck That Where the seyd Pluck nowe of tender age and in ward with oon’ Joh’n Tregasowe by reason of crtayn londys & ten’ts holdyn’ of the seyd Joh’n Tregasowe by Knyghts sruice in Bofenell & Venne wythin the Countie of Cornwall stondyth seased of iij meases CC acres of lande xl acres of furse & heith in Bofenel Venne & Carn wythin the seyd Countie in his demeane as of fee by the title of descent to hym discended from the seyd John the frrnyng the prmisses amongs other goods and catalls which were the seid Joh’n the fader ar comen to the hands possession & keapyng of on’ Wylliam Burges the executor to the seyd Joh’n Plucke the fader and oughten’ tymes syth the deth of the seyd Joh’n the fader youre seide Oratour hath’ comyn to the seyd Willuam Burges and requyred hym to make delyurey of the seyd Euydencs Charteurs and Munyments for his laufull defens of certeyn’ titles & claymes prtended to the seyd Meases lands ten’ts and other the prmisses which to doo the seid William’ Burges hath at all tymes denyed & yet doth to the greate hurte and damage of youre seyd Oratour and lyke to growe to his Dysheryson vnlees then’ youre good lorschip’ be graciuosly showed to hym’ in thys behalfe And for asmoche as youre seyd Oratour knowith not the numbre nor contents of the seyd euydencs charteurs and Munyments nor where they ar yn bagge or boxe sealed or Cofre locked he cannot atteigne moo remedy by the course of the comeyn lawe of thus lande for the delyuray of the same ayenst all Rygh’t and good conscience Please it therefore +your good lordship+ the prmisses tenderly consydered to graunte a wrytte of sub pena to be directyd to the seyd Wyllyam Burges commaundyng hym by the same to appere be the Kyng in his Courte of Chauncry at a certeyn’ day and vnder a certeyn payn’ by youre good lordschip’ to be lymytted there to auswere to the prmisses accordyng to Ryght and good Conscience And that for the loue of god, and yn the Wey of Charyte And youre seyd Oratour shall daily pray to god for the prseruac’on of youre mooste noble estate long to endure

            Pleg' de ps'1      Will's Tauernr de London' Gentilman' &
                                         Joh'es Smyth' de eadem yoman'


            Coram d’no R in Cancellar’ sua in Crastino a'iar px' futur'

            Before the lord king in his Chancery on the morrow of All Souls next 2

Md q’d trmino s’ci Mich’is videl’t xiij die Nouembr’ Ao rr’ H vij xx emanauit br’e de dedims pot’ direct’ Joh’i Glyn’ de Mornall ad rec’ respons’ fratr’ Will’ Burges r’ ..... Hill’

Memorandum that in Michaelmas term, to wit on the 13th day of November in the 20th year of the reign of king Henry VII issued a writ of dedimus potestatem directed to John Glyn of Mornall to receive the answer of brother William Burges, returnable in Hilary term.

 1   pledges of prosecution
 2   3 November

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