1707 : Elizabeth Pluck's Headstone in Killadreenan Churchyard

Source: Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland viii
Title:  Wicklow. Killadreenan Churchyard, 1913, Dublin, 453
Date: 11 JUne 1707
Place: Killadreenan


‘This was the original Parish Church of Newcastle. The walls are still standing on all sides but the west, though a part of the chancel wall has fallen. Many of the graves are within the walls of the ruined church, with headstones within the nave showing dates from 1719 to 1825, and in chancel from 1706 to 1854. On the history of Killadreenan see the article by the Bishop of Canea in the “Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland,” 1893. I am indebted to the Rev. H. S. Verschoyle for kindly copying some of the inscriptions which I was obliged to leave unexamined.’

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Pluck, Elizabeth, 17 June 1707.

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