Title:  The Fishing Gazette , xl111, 456 .
Date:  28 December 1901
Place:  London

Jottings by the Way.


PLUCK v. CANAWHISKI” was the title of an action tried in one of the London County Courts recently. I wonder, says “The Squire” in the Shooting Times, if the defendant is an angler.


There is a hint here that people who shoot believe that anglers are partial to a spot of alcohol.
Othewise, I don't know what to make of this. A quick Google brought up the following from the 21 December 1901 issue of
the Swansea Evening Express in their "Drift" Column:

. . . "Pluck v Canawhiski" was the title of a bookbinding case called at a county-court . . .

I can't see an obvious connection to bookbinding. George Pluck, PL 49 in Tree 7, was an active bookbinder at the time.


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